New apa style

The 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, commonly referred to as the "APA Style," was released in 2020. Here are some key changes and updates:

General Changes

  1. In-text citations: In-text citations now include the author's last name and year of publication, separated by a comma (e.g., (Smith, 2020)).
  2. Reference list: The reference list is now called the "References" list, and it includes a hanging indent for each entry.
  3. Abstract: The abstract is now limited to 150-250 words and should include keywords.
  4. Tables and figures: Tables and figures are now numbered consecutively and should have a brief title and caption.

New Features

  1. DOIs: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are now included in the reference list for online sources.
  2. URLs: URLs are now included in the reference list for online sources, but they are no longer required.
  3. Social media: APA Style now provides guidelines for citing social media sources, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  4. Multimedia: APA Style now provides guidelines for citing multimedia sources, including podcasts, videos, and online courses.

Changes to Specific Citation Types

  1. Journal articles: The format for citing journal articles has changed to include the DOI or URL, and the volume and issue numbers are now separated by a comma.
  2. Book chapters: The format for citing book chapters has changed to include the author's last name and year of publication, and the chapter title is now included in the reference list.
  3. Thesis and dissertations: The format for citing thesis and dissertations has changed to include the DOI or URL, and the title is now included in the reference list.
  4. Online sources: APA Style now provides guidelines for citing online sources, including blogs, online newspapers, and online magazines.

Other Changes

  1. Language: APA Style now recommends using the active voice and avoiding jargon and technical terms.
  2. Headings: APA Style now recommends using headings to organize the paper, with Level 1 headings in title case and Level 2 headings in sentence case.
  3. Margins: APA Style now recommends using 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper.


  1. APA Style website: The APA Style website ( provides detailed guidelines, examples, and resources for using APA Style.
  2. APA Publication Manual: The APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) is available in print and digital formats.
  3. APA Style Blog: The APA Style Blog ( provides updates, tips, and examples for using APA Style.

Remember to always check the APA Style website or the Publication Manual for the most up-to-date information on APA Style.