New android programming language

You're referring to the latest developments in Android programming!

As of now, the official programming language for Android app development is still Java and Kotlin. However, there are some new and emerging languages that are gaining popularity for Android development:

  1. Kotlinx.coroutines: While not a new language, Kotlinx.coroutines is a library that provides a modern way of writing asynchronous code in Kotlin. It's gaining popularity among Android developers.
  2. Dart: Dart is a new language developed by Google, and it's being used for Android app development, especially for Flutter, a popular cross-platform framework.
  3. Flutter: Flutter is an open-source mobile app development framework created by Google. It uses the Dart language and allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
  4. Java 14: Java 14 is the latest version of the Java language, and it includes some exciting features like pattern matching, switch expressions, and sealed classes. Android developers can use Java 14 to build Android apps.
  5. Kotlin 1.4: Kotlin 1.4 is the latest version of the Kotlin language, and it includes features like coroutines, suspend functions, and sealed classes. Android developers can use Kotlin 1.4 to build Android apps.
  6. Android NDK: The Android NDK (Native Development Kit) allows developers to write native code for Android apps using languages like C, C++, and Rust. This can be useful for building high-performance apps that require direct access to hardware resources.
  7. Rust: Rust is a systems programming language that's gaining popularity among Android developers. It's known for its memory safety features and performance. While not officially supported by Google, Rust can be used for Android app development using the Android NDK.

Keep in mind that while these languages and frameworks are gaining popularity, Java and Kotlin remain the most widely used languages for Android app development.