New amsterdam true story

New Amsterdam is a fictional city in the United States, but it is loosely based on the real-life city of New York City. The show's creator, David Schulner, has said that he was inspired by the history of New York City and the idea of a city that is constantly evolving and changing.

However, there are some elements of the show that are not based on real events or people. For example, the character of Dr. Max Goodwin, played by Ryan Eggold, is a fictional character and not based on a real doctor. Similarly, the hospital where the show is set, New Amsterdam Hospital, is a fictional institution and not based on a real hospital.

That being said, there are some elements of the show that are inspired by real events and people. For example, the show's focus on healthcare and medicine is inspired by the real-life experiences of Dr. Eric Manheimer, who was the medical director of New York-Presbyterian Hospital and served as a consultant on the show. Additionally, the show's portrayal of the challenges faced by hospitals and healthcare systems is inspired by real-life issues and challenges that hospitals and healthcare systems face.

It's worth noting that the show's title, "New Amsterdam," refers to the original name of New York City, which was named after the Dutch city of Amsterdam. The show's creators chose this title as a nod to the city's rich history and cultural heritage.

Overall, while New Amsterdam is a fictional show, it is inspired by real events and people, and its portrayal of healthcare and medicine is informed by the real-life experiences of doctors and hospitals.