New amsterdam season 1 episode 5

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 5 is titled "The Leaky Bucket". Here's a brief summary:

Dr. Kapoor's past comes back to haunt him when an old colleague, Dr. Frieda Torres, arrives at the hospital. Frieda is a renowned oncologist who has been working on a groundbreaking new treatment, but she's struggling to get it approved. Dr. Kapoor is torn between his loyalty to his friend and his duty to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Sharpe tries to help a young patient who is suffering from a rare and mysterious illness. Dr. Max Goodwin and Dr. Floyd Pearson work together to diagnose the patient's condition, but their differing approaches cause tension between them.

The episode also explores the personal struggles of the hospital's staff, including Dr. Sharpe's difficulties in connecting with her patients and Dr. Goodwin's efforts to balance his work and personal life.

Overall, "The Leaky Bucket" is a character-driven episode that delves deeper into the personal stories of the hospital's staff while also exploring the challenges they face in their work.