New amsterdam season 1 episode 10

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 10 is titled "The Big Picture". Here's a brief summary:

In this episode, Dr. Kapoor's past comes back to haunt him when an old colleague, Dr. Helen Taylor, arrives at the hospital. She's a renowned oncologist who's been working on a groundbreaking new treatment, but her methods are unorthodox and her behavior is erratic. Dr. Kapoor is torn between his loyalty to his friend and his duty to protect the hospital's patients.

Meanwhile, Dr. Max Goodwin and Dr. Helen Sharpe work together to diagnose a patient with a rare and mysterious illness. As they dig deeper, they uncover a web of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the patient's life.

The episode also explores the personal struggles of Dr. Floyd Pearson, who's struggling to balance his work and family life. His wife, Astrid, is dealing with her own health issues, and Floyd is torn between his love for her and his duty to his patients.

Overall, "The Big Picture" is a thought-provoking episode that delves into the complexities of medicine, relationships, and the human condition.