New amsterdam index

You're referring to the New Amsterdam Index!

The New Amsterdam Index is a comprehensive list of the most popular and influential medical research papers, articles, and studies published in the field of medicine. It's a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and students to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and breakthroughs in medical science.

Here's a breakdown of the New Amsterdam Index:

What is the New Amsterdam Index?

The New Amsterdam Index is a curated list of the most impactful and influential medical research papers, articles, and studies published in the field of medicine. It's a collaborative effort between the New York Academy of Medicine and the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development.

How is the New Amsterdam Index created?

The index is created through a rigorous process of peer review and evaluation by experts in the field. A team of editors and reviewers carefully select and curate the most significant and impactful research papers, articles, and studies published in reputable medical journals and conferences.

What types of research are included in the New Amsterdam Index?

The index covers a wide range of medical research topics, including:

  1. Clinical trials and studies
  2. Basic science research
  3. Epidemiology and public health
  4. Health policy and healthcare systems
  5. Medical education and training
  6. Patient safety and quality improvement
  7. Research methodology and statistics

How can I access the New Amsterdam Index?

The New Amsterdam Index is available online, and you can access it through the New York Academy of Medicine's website or the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development's website. You can search the index by keyword, author, or topic, and filter results by date, journal, or impact factor.

Why is the New Amsterdam Index important?

The New Amsterdam Index is an essential resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and students to stay current with the latest medical research and advancements. It helps to:

  1. Identify the most influential and impactful research in the field
  2. Facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers and healthcare professionals
  3. Inform healthcare policy and decision-making
  4. Support evidence-based medicine and patient care

Overall, the New Amsterdam Index is a valuable tool for anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest medical research and advancements.