New album tope alabi

You're a fan of Topas Alabi!

Topas Alabi is a renowned Nigerian gospel singer, and I'm happy to help you with her latest album. Here are a few things I found:

Latest Album: "The Book of Praise" (2020)

This album is a collection of 12 tracks that showcase Topas Alabi's powerful vocals and her ability to create uplifting and inspiring music. The album features a mix of traditional and contemporary gospel styles, with lyrics that focus on praise, worship, and devotion.


  1. "The Book of Praise"
  2. "Eledumare"
  3. "Igwe"
  4. "Olorun Nibe"
  5. "Ade Ori"
  6. "Oluwa"
  7. "Ese Baba"
  8. "Olorun Mi"
  9. "Ire"
  10. "Olorun Nla"
  11. "Ese Baba (Remix)"
  12. "The Book of Praise (Reprise)"


Fans and critics alike have praised "The Book of Praise" for its beautiful melodies, inspiring lyrics, and Topas Alabi's powerful vocals. Many have described the album as a masterpiece that showcases the singer's growth and maturity as an artist.

Where to get it:

You can find "The Book of Praise" on various music streaming platforms, including:

You can also purchase the album on CD or digital download from online music stores like iTunes or Amazon Music.

I hope this information helps! Enjoy Topas Alabi's latest album!