New albany post office

The New Albany Post Office is a United States Post Office located in New Albany, Indiana. Here are some key details about the post office:

Address: 1415 State St, New Albany, IN 47150

Phone Number: (812) 944-4444

Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Sunday: Closed


History: The New Albany Post Office has been in operation since 1832, making it one of the oldest post offices in the state of Indiana. The current building was constructed in 1935 and features a mix of Art Deco and Colonial Revival architectural styles.

Notable Features: The post office is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and features a distinctive clock tower and ornate lobby. The building also has a large mural depicting scenes from Indiana's history and a statue of Benjamin Franklin, the patron saint of the United States Postal Service.

Parking and Accessibility: The post office has a small parking lot and is wheelchair accessible.

Other nearby attractions:

I hope this information is helpful!