New age vs christianity chart

Here is a chart comparing some key beliefs and practices between New Age spirituality and Christianity:


New Age Christianity
God Multiple, interconnected deities or a universal energy One, all-powerful, all-knowing God (Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Salvation Self-realization, enlightenment, or ascension Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins
Purpose Personal growth, self-actualization, and spiritual evolution Serving God, following Jesus' teachings, and spreading the Gospel
Afterlife Reincarnation, karma, and spiritual evolution Heaven, Hell, and the afterlife (resurrection, judgment, and eternal life)
Scripture Various texts, including the Bible, but often interpreted subjectively The Bible (Old and New Testaments) as the inspired, authoritative word of God


New Age Christianity
Meditation Guided meditation, visualization, and energy work Prayer, contemplation, and meditation on Scripture
Rituals Ceremonies, rituals, and energy work Sacraments (baptism, communion, etc.), prayer, and worship
Spiritual Guidance Intuition, inner guidance, and spiritual teachers The Holy Spirit, Scripture, and Christian tradition
Community Often solitary or small groups Local churches, denominations, and global Christian community
Ethics Focus on personal growth, self-actualization, and spiritual evolution Moral code based on biblical principles (e.g., love, compassion, forgiveness)

Key Differences

Note: This chart is not exhaustive, and there may be variations within both New Age spirituality and Christianity. Additionally, some individuals may blend elements from both traditions, creating a unique spiritual practice.