New age movement celebrities

Here's a list of some well-known celebrities associated with the New Age movement:

  1. Oprah Winfrey: Media executive, actress, talk show host, and philanthropist who has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement, promoting spirituality and self-help.
  2. Deepak Chopra: Indian-American author, speaker, and alternative medicine advocate who has written extensively on spirituality, consciousness, and the mind-body connection.
  3. Eckhart Tolle: German-Canadian spiritual teacher and author who has written bestselling books on spirituality and mindfulness, such as "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth".
  4. Marianne Williamson: American author, lecturer, and activist who has written extensively on spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  5. Ram Dass (Richard Alpert): American spiritual teacher and author who has written extensively on spirituality, consciousness, and Eastern philosophy, and has been a prominent figure in the counterculture movement.
  6. Shirley MacLaine: American actress and author who has written extensively on spirituality, reincarnation, and the afterlife, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  7. Jane Roberts: American author and spiritual teacher who wrote the popular "Seth" books, which explored spirituality, consciousness, and the nature of reality.
  8. Louise Hay: American motivational author and speaker who has written extensively on spirituality, self-help, and personal growth, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  9. Wayne Dyer: American motivational author and speaker who wrote extensively on spirituality, self-help, and personal growth, and was a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  10. Gabrielle Bernstein: American motivational author and speaker who has written extensively on spirituality, self-help, and personal growth, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  11. Dr. Bruce Lipton: American cellular biologist and author who has written extensively on the connection between consciousness and the physical world, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  12. Gregg Braden: American author and researcher who has written extensively on spirituality, consciousness, and the connection between science and spirituality.
  13. Anita Moorjani: Canadian author and speaker who has written extensively on spirituality, near-death experiences, and the connection between consciousness and the physical world.
  14. Dr. Joe Dispenza: American neuroscientist and author who has written extensively on the connection between consciousness and the physical world, and has been a prominent figure in the New Age movement.
  15. Michael Singer: American spiritual teacher and author who has written extensively on spirituality, consciousness, and the connection between the individual and the universe.

These individuals, among many others, have helped to popularize the New Age movement and its ideas about spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth.