New age morality

New Age morality refers to the moral values and principles that are commonly associated with the New Age movement, which emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. The New Age movement is characterized by a focus on personal growth, spirituality, and self-actualization, and its moral principles are often centered around the idea of living in harmony with oneself and the universe.

Some common moral principles associated with the New Age movement include:

  1. Non-judgmentalism: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of non-judgmentalism, or the idea that individuals should not judge others or themselves based on traditional moral standards.
  2. Self-acceptance: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, or the idea that individuals should accept themselves as they are, without trying to change or judge themselves.
  3. Empathy: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  4. Compassion: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of compassion, or the ability to feel and show kindness and concern for others.
  5. Inner guidance: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of inner guidance, or the idea that individuals should listen to their own inner voice and intuition rather than following external authority or tradition.
  6. Holism: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of holism, or the idea that everything is interconnected and that individuals should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and with other living beings.
  7. Personal responsibility: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, or the idea that individuals are responsible for their own actions and choices.
  8. Forgiveness: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, or the idea that individuals should let go of negative emotions and resentments and instead focus on healing and moving forward.
  9. Non-violence: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of non-violence, or the idea that individuals should avoid harming or hurting others, whether physically or emotionally.
  10. Spiritual growth: New Age morality emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth, or the idea that individuals should strive to develop their spiritual awareness and connection to the universe.

It's worth noting that the New Age movement is not a single, monolithic entity, and different individuals and groups within the movement may have different moral principles and values. Additionally, some critics have argued that the New Age movement's emphasis on individualism and non-judgmentalism can lead to a lack of accountability and a failure to address social and environmental problems.