New age beverage

New Age Beverages is a company that specializes in the development, marketing, and distribution of beverages that are considered "new age" or "better-for-you" options. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Lakewood, Colorado.

New Age Beverages offers a range of beverages that are designed to be healthier and more sustainable than traditional soft drinks. Some of the company's products include:

  1. Xing Tea: A line of tea-based beverages that are infused with natural ingredients and flavors.
  2. CO2 Coolers: A line of sparkling beverages that are made with natural ingredients and are low in calories and sugar.
  3. Mojo Margaritas: A line of margarita-flavored beverages that are made with natural ingredients and are low in calories and sugar.
  4. Tru-Fusion: A line of energy drinks that are made with natural ingredients and are low in calories and sugar.
  5. Búcha Live Kombucha: A line of kombucha-based beverages that are fermented with live cultures and are high in probiotics.

New Age Beverages has a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The company uses eco-friendly packaging and sources its ingredients from environmentally responsible suppliers. New Age Beverages also partners with non-profit organizations to support social and environmental causes.

Some of the benefits of New Age Beverages include:

  1. Natural ingredients: New Age Beverages uses natural ingredients and avoids artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.
  2. Low calorie and sugar content: Many of New Age Beverages' products are low in calories and sugar, making them a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.
  3. Sustainable packaging: New Age Beverages uses eco-friendly packaging and sources its ingredients from environmentally responsible suppliers.
  4. Probiotics: Some of New Age Beverages' products, such as Búcha Live Kombucha, contain live cultures and are high in probiotics, which can support gut health.
  5. Social responsibility: New Age Beverages partners with non-profit organizations to support social and environmental causes.

Overall, New Age Beverages offers a range of "better-for-you" beverages that are designed to be healthier and more sustainable than traditional soft drinks.