New africom commander

You're referring to the new Commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).

As of August 2022, the new Commander of AFRICOM is General Michael E. Kurilla. He took over the command from General James B. Oliphant, who served as the Commander of AFRICOM from August 2020 to August 2022.

General Kurilla is a career Army officer with over 35 years of service. He has held various leadership positions, including serving as the Commander of the 101st Airborne Division and the Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Forces Command.

As the Commander of AFRICOM, General Kurilla is responsible for leading the U.S. military's efforts to promote stability and security in Africa. He oversees a range of activities, including counterterrorism operations, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian assistance efforts.

Under General Kurilla's leadership, AFRICOM is likely to continue to focus on key priorities such as:

  1. Countering terrorism and violent extremism in the Sahel and Lake Chad regions.
  2. Supporting African-led security initiatives and capacity-building efforts.
  3. Promoting regional stability and security through diplomatic and military engagement.
  4. Enhancing partnerships with African countries and international organizations.

General Kurilla's tenure as Commander of AFRICOM will likely be marked by continued efforts to address the complex security challenges facing the continent, while also promoting U.S. interests and values in Africa.