New african woman magazine

New African Woman is a magazine that celebrates the achievements and contributions of African women. Here are some key facts about the magazine:

Mission: The magazine's mission is to empower and inspire African women to take their rightful place in society, to celebrate their achievements, and to provide a platform for their voices to be heard.

Target audience: The magazine's target audience is African women, both in Africa and in the diaspora, who are interested in news, lifestyle, culture, and entertainment.

Content: The magazine covers a wide range of topics, including:

Frequency: The magazine is published quarterly, with four issues per year.

Circulation: The magazine has a global circulation of over 100,000 copies, with readers in over 100 countries.

Online presence: The magazine also has a strong online presence, with a website and social media channels that feature news, articles, and features.

Awards and recognition: New African Woman has won several awards, including the African Women's Development Fund's "Best Media Outlet" award and the African Union's "Best Women's Magazine" award.

Editorial team: The magazine is edited by a team of experienced journalists and editors who are passionate about promoting the interests and achievements of African women.

Partnerships: The magazine partners with various organizations and institutions to promote the interests of African women, including the African Union, the United Nations, and the African Development Bank.

Overall, New African Woman is a magazine that is dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions of African women, and to providing a platform for their voices to be heard.