New adsense alternative

If you're looking for alternative to Google AdSense, here are some popular options:

  1. A popular alternative to AdSense, is a contextual ad network that offers high-quality ads from top brands.
  2. Amazon Associates: Amazon's affiliate program allows you to earn commissions by promoting Amazon products on your website or social media channels.
  3. Ezoic: A platform that uses AI to optimize ad placement and revenue for publishers, Ezoic offers a range of ad formats and high-paying ad networks.
  4. AdThrive: A popular ad network for bloggers and publishers, AdThrive offers high-paying ads and a user-friendly platform.
  5. Rakuten: A global ad network with a wide range of ad formats, Rakuten offers high-quality ads and competitive payouts.
  6. Infolinks: A popular alternative to AdSense, Infolinks offers a range of ad formats, including inline ads, overlay ads, and more.
  7. Chitika: A contextual ad network that offers high-quality ads from top brands, Chitika is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  8. Adversal: A self-serve ad network that offers a range of ad formats, Adversal is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  9. Viglink: A platform that helps publishers monetize their content with affiliate links, Viglink offers a range of ad formats and high-paying affiliate programs.
  10. Skimlinks: A platform that helps publishers monetize their content with affiliate links, Skimlinks offers a range of ad formats and high-paying affiliate programs.
  11. Taboola: A content discovery platform that offers a range of ad formats, Taboola is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  12. Outbrain: A content discovery platform that offers a range of ad formats, Outbrain is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  13. Disqus: A popular commenting platform that offers a range of ad formats, Disqus is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  14. Adbuff: A platform that offers a range of ad formats, including native ads, Adbuff is a popular alternative to AdSense.
  15. Adversal: A self-serve ad network that offers a range of ad formats, Adversal is a popular alternative to AdSense.

Remember to always review the terms and conditions of each alternative to AdSense before signing up, as some may have specific requirements or restrictions.