New adam

You're referring to the biblical figure Adam, the first human created by God according to the book of Genesis.

Adam is a significant figure in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. He is described as being created by God in the Garden of Eden, where he lived with his wife Eve. According to the biblical account, Adam was given the task of naming all the animals in the Garden, and he was also given the command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The story of Adam and Eve is central to the biblical narrative, as it explains the origin of humanity and the reason for sin entering the world. According to the biblical account, Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command and ate from the forbidden tree, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

In Christian theology, Adam is often seen as a symbol of humanity's fallen nature, and his actions are seen as the reason for the need for salvation through Jesus Christ. In Jewish tradition, Adam is often seen as a symbol of humanity's potential for good and evil, and his story is used to teach important moral lessons.

In modern times, the name "Adam" has also been used as a metaphor for humanity as a whole, and the story of Adam and Eve has been retold and reinterpreted in many different ways in literature, art, and popular culture.

Do you have any specific questions about Adam or the biblical account of creation?