New ac unit

Exciting! Buying a new air conditioning (AC) unit can be a great way to stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision:

Types of AC Units:

  1. Window Unit: A self-contained unit that fits into a window, ideal for small spaces.
  2. Split System: A central air conditioning system with an outdoor compressor and indoor air handler, suitable for larger spaces.
  3. Portable Unit: A compact, self-contained unit that can be moved from room to room.
  4. Ductless Mini-Split: A type of split system that doesn't require ductwork, perfect for zoning or adding cooling to a specific area.

Key Considerations:

  1. Size: Choose an AC unit that's the right size for your space. A unit that's too small won't cool effectively, while one that's too large will waste energy and increase your bill.
  2. SEER Rating: Look for a unit with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating, which measures energy efficiency. A higher SEER rating means lower energy bills.
  3. Cooling Capacity: Determine the cooling capacity you need based on the square footage of your space and the number of people who will be using it.
  4. Noise Level: If you plan to use the AC unit in a bedroom or living room, look for one with a low noise level (usually around 40 decibels).
  5. Features: Consider features like remote control, programmable thermostat, and air purification capabilities.
  6. Brand and Warranty: Research reputable brands and look for a comprehensive warranty that covers parts and labor.
  7. Installation: Make sure to hire a licensed and experienced installer to ensure proper installation and minimize potential issues.

Popular Brands:

  1. LG
  2. Samsung
  3. Whirlpool
  4. Frigidaire
  5. Carrier
  6. Trane
  7. Lennox


  1. Window Unit: $100-$500
  2. Portable Unit: $100-$300
  3. Split System: $500-$2,000
  4. Ductless Mini-Split: $1,000-$3,000

Additional Tips:

  1. Check local rebates and incentives: Many utility companies and governments offer rebates and incentives for energy-efficient AC units.
  2. Consider a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can help you save energy and money by automatically adjusting the temperature when you're not home or sleeping.
  3. Maintain your AC unit: Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your AC unit and ensure it runs efficiently.

I hope this helps you make an informed decision when buying a new AC unit!