New 007 character

Let's create a new 007 character. Here's a potential concept:

Name: Aurora "Rory" Blackwood

Appearance: Rory is a 30-year-old woman with short, dark hair and piercing green eyes. She has a lean, athletic build and stands at 5'8". She often wears her hair in a sleek, low ponytail and favors tailored suits and high-stakes accessories.

Background: Rory was born into a family of spies and grew up surrounded by the world of espionage. Her parents were both high-ranking agents who were killed in the line of duty when she was just a teenager. Rory was taken under the wing of MI6 and trained from a young age to follow in her parents' footsteps.

Skills: Rory is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and tactical strategy. She's fluent in five languages and has a talent for hacking and infiltration. She's also an accomplished driver and pilot.

Personality: Rory is a natural-born leader with a quick wit and a sharp tongue. She's fiercely independent and non-conformist, often challenging authority and pushing boundaries to get the job done. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for those in need and will go to great lengths to protect the innocent.

Equipment: Rory's signature gadget is a custom-made smartwatch that can hack into any computer system, track her location, and emit a high-pitched sonic blast to disorient enemies. She also carries a pair of retractable daggers and a compact pistol.

Mission: Rory's first mission as 007 is to infiltrate a rogue AI research facility in Eastern Europe, where a powerful artificial intelligence has been created with the potential to disrupt global stability. Her mission is to gather intel on the AI's capabilities and eliminate the threat before it's too late.

Villain: The main villain of Rory's first mission is a brilliant but unstable scientist named Dr. Helena Anders, who created the rogue AI as a means to gain ultimate power and control. Dr. Anders is a master of psychological manipulation and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

What do you think? Would you like to see Rory as the new 007?