Netease news

NetEase News is a popular Chinese online news portal operated by NetEase, a Chinese technology company. Here are some key features and facts about NetEase News:


  1. Comprehensive coverage: NetEase News covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economy, society, culture, technology, and more.
  2. Real-time updates: The website provides real-time updates on breaking news and trending topics.
  3. In-depth reporting: NetEase News features in-depth reporting and analysis on major news stories and events.
  4. Multimedia content: The website includes multimedia content such as videos, podcasts, and infographics to enhance the news experience.
  5. User-generated content: NetEase News allows users to submit their own news stories and opinions, which are reviewed and published by the editorial team.


  1. Launched in 2000: NetEase News was launched in 2000 as one of the first online news portals in China.
  2. Popular in China: NetEase News is one of the most popular online news portals in China, with over 100 million monthly active users.
  3. International coverage: While primarily focused on Chinese news, NetEase News also covers international news and events.
  4. Partnerships: NetEase News has partnerships with major news organizations, including the Associated Press, Reuters, and Bloomberg.
  5. Awards: NetEase News has won several awards for its journalism, including the "Best Online News Portal" award at the 2019 China News Awards.


  1. Censorship: Like many Chinese online news portals, NetEase News is subject to censorship by the Chinese government, which can limit the types of news stories that can be published.
  2. Bias: Some critics have accused NetEase News of having a biased reporting style, with a tendency to favor certain political or ideological perspectives.
  3. Copyright issues: NetEase News has faced criticism for allegedly plagiarizing content from other news sources without proper attribution.

Overall, NetEase News is a popular and influential online news portal in China, providing a wide range of news and information to its users. However, like many Chinese online news sources, it is subject to censorship and other limitations.