Netanyahu trump align on iran ahead of israeli leaders visit #comments

Here are some comments on the alignment between Netanyahu and Trump on Iran ahead of the Israeli leader's visit:

The Hill: "Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, the Trump administration is signaling a united front with Israel on Iran. The two leaders are expected to discuss their shared concerns about Iran's nuclear program and its regional influence. 'We're on the same page when it comes to Iran,' a senior administration official told The Hill. 'We're concerned about their nuclear program, their ballistic missile program, and their support for terrorism.'"

The Jerusalem Post: "Netanyahu and Trump are expected to discuss the Iranian threat in their meeting, with the Israeli leader likely to press the US president to maintain the sanctions on Iran and to take a tougher stance against the Islamic Republic. 'The US and Israel are in complete agreement on the Iranian threat,' a senior Israeli official said. 'We're working together to counter Iran's aggression and to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power.'"

Haaretz: "The Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal has created a new opportunity for Netanyahu to push for a tougher stance on Iran. 'The US withdrawal from the deal has given us a chance to re-evaluate our policy towards Iran,' a senior Israeli official said. 'We're working with the US to develop a new strategy to counter Iran's aggression and to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power.'"

Fox News: "Ahead of Netanyahu's visit, Trump tweeted that he and the Israeli leader would be discussing 'the very important topic of Iran.' 'We're going to talk about Iran, and we're going to talk about the deal, and we're going to talk about the sanctions,' Trump said. 'We're going to talk about a lot of things, but Iran is a big one.'"

The New York Times: "The Trump administration's alignment with Israel on Iran is seen as a key aspect of its Middle East policy. 'The US and Israel are working together to counter Iran's influence in the region,' a senior administration official said. 'We're concerned about Iran's nuclear program, its ballistic missile program, and its support for terrorism.'"

These comments highlight the strong alignment between Netanyahu and Trump on Iran, with both leaders sharing concerns about the country's nuclear program, ballistic missile program, and support for terrorism. The two leaders are expected to discuss these issues in their meeting, with Netanyahu likely to press Trump to maintain the sanctions on Iran and to take a tougher stance against the Islamic Republic.