Netanyahu strikes defiant tone amid probes

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Netanyahu Strikes Defiant Tone Amid Probes

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has struck a defiant tone amid ongoing investigations into corruption allegations against him. In a televised address, Netanyahu denied any wrongdoing and accused his political opponents of launching a "witch hunt" against him.

The investigations, which have been ongoing for several years, have focused on allegations of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. Netanyahu has been accused of accepting lavish gifts from wealthy friends and of using his position to advance their business interests.

Despite the mounting pressure, Netanyahu has refused to step down, citing his innocence and the need to clear his name. He has also accused his political opponents of trying to oust him from office through "false and baseless" allegations.

The investigations have been led by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who has been investigating Netanyahu since 2017. Mandelblit has already recommended indicting Netanyahu on several charges, including bribery and fraud.

Netanyahu's defiance has been met with widespread criticism from opposition parties, who have called for him to resign and allow a new government to take office. The controversy has also sparked protests and demonstrations across Israel, with many calling for Netanyahu to step down.

The situation remains highly volatile, with many predicting that Netanyahu's future as prime minister hangs in the balance.