Nesg urges fg to take active steps in growing the economy

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NESG Urges FG to Take Active Steps in Growing the Economy

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) has called on the Federal Government to take proactive steps to stimulate economic growth and development in the country. The group made this call during its 25th Nigerian Economic Summit, which was held recently in Abuja.

According to the NESG, the Nigerian economy is facing significant challenges, including a high level of unemployment, inflation, and a widening trade deficit. The group attributed these challenges to a lack of effective economic policies and a failure to diversify the economy.

The NESG urged the government to take bold steps to address these challenges, including implementing policies that promote private sector growth, improving the business environment, and increasing investment in critical sectors such as infrastructure and human capital development.

The group also called for the government to prioritize the development of the country's manufacturing sector, which it said has the potential to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

In addition, the NESG urged the government to take steps to improve the country's infrastructure, including transportation, energy, and telecommunications, which it said are critical to economic growth and development.

The group also emphasized the need for the government to prioritize the development of the country's human capital, including education and healthcare, which it said are essential for driving economic growth and development.

Overall, the NESG urged the government to take a proactive approach to stimulating economic growth and development in the country, and to prioritize policies that promote private sector growth, infrastructure development, and human capital development.