Nesg outlines urgent reforms for economy

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) has outlined urgent reforms for the Nigerian economy to address the current economic challenges and achieve sustainable growth. The reforms are aimed at addressing the structural issues that have hindered the country's economic development and improving the business environment.

Some of the urgent reforms recommended by the NESG include:

  1. Fiscal Discipline: The NESG recommends that the government should prioritize fiscal discipline by reducing its reliance on oil revenues and increasing non-oil revenue sources. This can be achieved through the implementation of a more efficient tax system and the reduction of wasteful expenditure.
  2. Diversification of the Economy: The NESG recommends that the government should diversify the economy by promoting non-oil sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. This can be achieved through the provision of incentives and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the development of infrastructure.
  3. Improvement of Power Supply: The NESG recommends that the government should improve the power supply by increasing the generation and distribution of electricity. This can be achieved through the privatization of the power sector and the provision of incentives for private sector investment.
  4. Infrastructure Development: The NESG recommends that the government should invest in the development of infrastructure such as roads, railways, and ports. This can be achieved through public-private partnerships and the provision of incentives for private sector investment.
  5. Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment: The NESG recommends that the government should promote foreign direct investment (FDI) by creating a favorable business environment and providing incentives for foreign investors. This can be achieved through the simplification of regulatory procedures and the provision of tax incentives.
  6. Improvement of Business Environment: The NESG recommends that the government should improve the business environment by simplifying regulatory procedures and reducing bureaucratic red tape. This can be achieved through the implementation of a one-stop shop for business registration and the provision of online platforms for business registration and licensing.
  7. Development of Human Capital: The NESG recommends that the government should invest in the development of human capital by improving education and healthcare. This can be achieved through the provision of scholarships and training programs for students and the development of healthcare infrastructure.
  8. Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): The NESG recommends that the government should promote MSMEs by providing them with access to finance, training, and mentorship. This can be achieved through the establishment of MSME development centers and the provision of grants and loans for MSMEs.
  9. Improvement of Public-Private Partnerships: The NESG recommends that the government should improve public-private partnerships by providing a favorable regulatory environment and providing incentives for private sector investment. This can be achieved through the establishment of a public-private partnership unit and the provision of tax incentives for private sector investment.
  10. Enhancement of Transparency and Accountability: The NESG recommends that the government should enhance transparency and accountability by improving the management of public finances and increasing the transparency of government procurement processes. This can be achieved through the implementation of a treasury single account and the provision of online platforms for government procurement.

Overall, the NESG's recommendations aim to address the structural issues that have hindered Nigeria's economic development and improve the business environment to promote sustainable growth and development.