Nelson is the future for arsenal but needs to believe in himself parlour

A quote from Ray Parlour, the former Arsenal midfielder!

Indeed, Bukayo Saka, also known as Nelson, has been making waves at Arsenal and has a bright future ahead of him. At just 20 years old, he has already established himself as a key player for the Gunners, with his pace, skill, and versatility making him a nightmare for opposing defenders.

As Parlour suggests, Nelson does need to believe in himself and his abilities. He has already shown flashes of brilliance on the pitch, but he needs to maintain his confidence and consistency to reach his full potential.

Nelson's progress has been impressive, and he has already made his mark in the Premier League, Europa League, and even for the English national team. However, as Parlour notes, he still needs to work on his mental toughness and self-belief to take his game to the next level.

With continued hard work, guidance from his coaches, and support from his teammates, Nelson has the potential to become a top-class player for Arsenal and England.