Nehawu funeral cover south africa insider

NEHAWU Funeral Cover in South Africa: Insider's Guide

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union (NEHAWU) offers a comprehensive funeral cover to its members, providing financial assistance during a difficult time. As an insider, I'll share the details of this valuable benefit.

What is NEHAWU Funeral Cover?

NEHAWU Funeral Cover is a group life insurance policy designed to provide financial support to members and their dependents in the event of death. The cover is administered by NEHAWU and underwritten by a reputable insurance company.

Key Features:

  1. Death Benefit: A lump sum payment of R10,000 to R50,000 (depending on the member's salary grade) is paid to the beneficiary in the event of the member's death.
  2. Accidental Death Benefit: An additional R10,000 is paid if the member dies as a result of an accident.
  3. Permanent Disability Benefit: A monthly income of R2,500 to R5,000 (depending on the member's salary grade) is paid to the beneficiary if the member becomes permanently disabled.
  4. Funeral Expenses: The policy covers funeral expenses up to R10,000.
  5. No Medical Exams: Members do not need to undergo medical exams to qualify for the cover.
  6. No Waiting Period: The cover is effective immediately, with no waiting period.


  1. Membership: NEHAWU members who are employed by the South African government or affiliated institutions are eligible for the funeral cover.
  2. Salary Grade: The cover is available to members across various salary grades, with the amount of cover varying accordingly.

How to Apply:

  1. Membership: Join NEHAWU as a member to be eligible for the funeral cover.
  2. Application Form: Complete the NEHAWU Funeral Cover application form, which is usually provided by the union or available on their website.
  3. Submit Documents: Submit the completed application form, along with required documents (e.g., ID, proof of income, and proof of membership).

Tips and Reminders:

  1. Read the Policy Document: Carefully review the policy document to understand the terms, conditions, and exclusions.
  2. Update Your Beneficiary: Ensure that your beneficiary information is up-to-date and accurate.
  3. Claim Process: Follow the claim process outlined in the policy document in the event of a claim.


NEHAWU Funeral Cover is a valuable benefit that provides financial support to members and their dependents in the event of death or permanent disability. As an insider, I recommend taking advantage of this cover to ensure that your loved ones are protected in the event of an unexpected event.