Need national arbitration policy

Here is a sample National Arbitration Policy that you can use as a template:

National Arbitration Policy


The purpose of this National Arbitration Policy (the "Policy") is to provide a fair, efficient, and cost-effective process for resolving disputes between [Company Name] (the "Company") and its customers, employees, or other parties (the "Parties") in a national context.


This Policy applies to all disputes arising out of or related to the Company's products, services, or business relationships, including but not limited to:

Arbitration Process

  1. Initiation of Arbitration: Any Party may initiate arbitration by submitting a written demand for arbitration to the other Party.
  2. Arbitration Panel: The Parties shall agree on a single arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators, as specified in the arbitration agreement.
  3. Arbitration Rules: The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the [insert arbitration rules, e.g. American Arbitration Association (AAA) Rules or International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) Rules].
  4. Arbitration Location: The arbitration shall take place at a location agreed upon by the Parties or, in the absence of agreement, at a location designated by the arbitrator(s).
  5. Arbitration Procedure: The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the arbitration agreement and the applicable arbitration rules.
  6. Arbitration Decision: The arbitrator(s) shall render a written decision that is binding on the Parties.
  7. Appeal: The Parties may appeal the arbitration decision to a court of competent jurisdiction, subject to the applicable laws and regulations.

Arbitration Agreement

  1. Binding Arbitration: By using the Company's products or services, or by entering into a contract with the Company, the Parties agree to submit to arbitration any disputes arising out of or related to the Company's products, services, or business relationships.
  2. Arbitration Agreement: The Parties agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy, including the arbitration process and procedures set forth herein.

Costs and Fees

  1. Arbitration Fees: The Parties shall share the costs and fees associated with the arbitration, as specified in the arbitration agreement.
  2. Arbitration Expenses: The Parties shall bear their own expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees, travel expenses, and other costs.

Governing Law

This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert jurisdiction].


The Company reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time, without notice.

Effective Date

This Policy is effective as of [insert date].


This Policy shall terminate upon the expiration or termination of the arbitration agreement.

By using the Company's products or services, or by entering into a contract with the Company, the Parties agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy.


The Parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy.


[Insert signature of authorized representative]


[Insert date]

Note: This is a sample policy and should be reviewed and customized to fit your specific needs and circumstances. It's also recommended to consult with an attorney to ensure that the policy complies with all applicable laws and regulations.