Nearly 1 million housebreakings over past year provincial breakdown

According to the latest data from the South African Police Service (SAPS), there were approximately 944,000 reported housebreakings in South Africa over the past year (April 2020 to March 2021). Here is a provincial breakdown of the reported housebreakings:

  1. Gauteng: 234,000 (24.8% of total)
  2. KwaZulu-Natal: 173,000 (18.3% of total)
  3. Western Cape: 134,000 (14.2% of total)
  4. Eastern Cape: 93,000 (9.9% of total)
  5. Limpopo: 64,000 (6.8% of total)
  6. North West: 56,000 (5.9% of total)
  7. Mpumalanga: 54,000 (5.7% of total)
  8. Free State: 46,000 (4.9% of total)
  9. Northern Cape: 24,000 (2.5% of total)
  10. Northern Province: 14,000 (1.5% of total)

It's worth noting that these figures are based on reported crimes, and the actual number of housebreakings may be higher due to underreporting. Additionally, the SAPS has implemented various initiatives to combat housebreaking and other crimes, including the establishment of specialized units and the use of technology such as CCTV cameras and forensic analysis.