Ndigbo in search of capable leadership 2

A continuation of the previous topic!

Ndigbo in Search of Capable Leadership

As we reflect on the current state of affairs in Igbo land, it is imperative to acknowledge that the people are yearning for capable leadership. The Igbo nation has been plagued by a lack of effective leadership, which has hindered progress and development. The people are crying out for leaders who can provide direction, inspire hope, and bring about positive change.

The Need for Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is essential for the Igbo nation to break free from the shackles of mediocrity and stagnation. This type of leadership is characterized by vision, charisma, and a willingness to take bold steps towards a brighter future. It is leadership that inspires and empowers others to work towards a common goal.

The Characteristics of Capable Leadership

So, what are the characteristics of capable leadership that the Igbo nation is searching for? Here are a few:

  1. Visionary: A capable leader must have a clear vision for the future of the Igbo nation. This vision must be inspiring, achievable, and aligned with the values and aspirations of the people.
  2. Integrity: A leader with integrity is one who is honest, transparent, and accountable. They must be willing to make tough decisions and take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Strategic Thinker: A capable leader must be able to think strategically, making informed decisions that align with the vision and goals of the Igbo nation.
  4. Communicative: Effective communication is key to building trust and credibility with the people. A capable leader must be able to articulate their vision and goals clearly and persuasively.
  5. Collaborative: A leader who is willing to work collaboratively with others, building coalitions and partnerships to achieve common goals, is essential for the Igbo nation's progress.
  6. Accountable: A capable leader must be accountable to the people, taking responsibility for their actions and decisions.
  7. Innovative: A leader who is innovative and willing to take calculated risks is essential for driving progress and development in the Igbo nation.

The Role of the People

While capable leadership is essential, it is also important to recognize the role that the people play in shaping their own destiny. The Igbo nation must be willing to hold their leaders accountable, demand transparency and accountability, and work together to build a brighter future.


In conclusion, the Igbo nation is in search of capable leadership that can provide direction, inspire hope, and bring about positive change. The characteristics of capable leadership, such as visionary, integrity, strategic thinking, communicative, collaborative, accountable, and innovative, are essential for driving progress and development. The people must also play their part by holding their leaders accountable and working together to build a brighter future.