Ncs news update

Here's an update on the latest news from NASA's Near-Earth Object Surveillance System (NEOSS):

Recent Discoveries:

  1. Asteroid 2022 ES2: On March 12, 2022, NASA's NEOWISE spacecraft detected a small asteroid, approximately 10-20 meters in diameter, passing within 0.0004 astronomical units (AU) of Earth. The asteroid was initially thought to be a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA), but further observations revealed it to be a non-threatening object.
  2. Asteroid 2022 DN1: On February 27, 2022, NASA's NEOWISE spacecraft detected a small asteroid, approximately 10-20 meters in diameter, passing within 0.0005 AU of Earth. The asteroid was initially thought to be a PHA, but further observations revealed it to be a non-threatening object.

Upcoming Close Approaches:

  1. Asteroid 2022 EM1: On March 21, 2022, asteroid 2022 EM1 will pass within 0.0002 AU of Earth. The asteroid is approximately 10-20 meters in diameter and is not considered a PHA.
  2. Asteroid 2022 EN1: On March 25, 2022, asteroid 2022 EN1 will pass within 0.0003 AU of Earth. The asteroid is approximately 10-20 meters in diameter and is not considered a PHA.

Other NEO News:

  1. NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO): The PDCO has been working to improve the detection and tracking of near-Earth objects (NEOs). In February 2022, the PDCO announced the launch of a new asteroid detection system, called the "Asteroid Detection and Tracking System" (ADTS), which will help improve the accuracy and speed of asteroid detection.
  2. European Space Agency's (ESA) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Program: The ESA's SSA program has been working to improve the detection and tracking of NEOs. In February 2022, the ESA announced the launch of a new asteroid detection system, called the "Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment Mission" (AIDA), which will help improve the accuracy and speed of asteroid detection.

Upcoming Events:

  1. NASA's Planetary Defense Conference: The 2022 Planetary Defense Conference will take place on April 11-14, 2022, in Washington, D.C. The conference will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in planetary defense and asteroid detection.
  2. ESA's Asteroid Day: Asteroid Day will take place on June 30, 2022, and will feature a series of events and activities to raise awareness about asteroids and the importance of asteroid detection and tracking.

I hope this update helps!