Ncdmb latest news

The National Council on Disability and Mental Health (NCDMH) is a leading organization in the Philippines that focuses on promoting mental health and well-being. Here are some of the latest news and updates from NCDMH:

Recent News

  1. Mental Health Awareness Month: NCDMH celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month in May 2022, with a series of activities and events aimed at promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma around mental illness.
  2. Launch of the National Mental Health Program: The Department of Health (DOH) and NCDMH launched the National Mental Health Program in June 2022, which aims to improve mental health services and reduce mental health-related illnesses in the country.
  3. Mental Health First Aid Training: NCDMH conducted a series of Mental Health First Aid training sessions in July 2022, which aimed to equip participants with the skills to provide initial support to individuals experiencing mental health issues.
  4. Collaboration with the Philippine Mental Health Association: NCDMH partnered with the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) to promote mental health awareness and provide support to individuals affected by mental illness.

Upcoming Events

  1. World Mental Health Day: NCDMH will be celebrating World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2022, with a series of activities and events aimed at promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma around mental illness.
  2. Mental Health Summit: NCDMH will be hosting a Mental Health Summit in November 2022, which will bring together mental health professionals, policymakers, and advocates to discuss the latest developments and challenges in mental health care in the Philippines.

Recent Publications

  1. Mental Health in the Philippines: A Review of the Current Situation: NCDMH published a report in June 2022 that provides an overview of the current mental health situation in the Philippines, including the prevalence of mental health disorders, access to mental health services, and the challenges faced by mental health professionals.
  2. Guidelines for Mental Health First Aid in the Philippines: NCDMH published guidelines for Mental Health First Aid in the Philippines in July 2022, which provides a framework for providing initial support to individuals experiencing mental health issues.

These are just some of the latest news and updates from NCDMH. If you're interested in learning more about their work and initiatives, I recommend visiting their website or following them on social media.