Ncc to telcos give us time to resolve multiple taxation issues #

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to telecommunications companies (telcos) in Nigeria.

The statement is likely asking the telcos to give the NCC some time to resolve multiple taxation issues affecting the industry. This is not an uncommon request, as the telecommunications sector in Nigeria is subject to various taxes and levies, which can be complex and challenging to navigate.

The NCC, as the regulatory body for the telecommunications sector in Nigeria, is responsible for ensuring that telcos comply with relevant laws and regulations. However, the multiple taxation issues may be causing difficulties for the telcos, which could impact their ability to provide quality services to their customers.

By giving the NCC some time to resolve these issues, the telcos are likely seeking to avoid any potential penalties or fines that may arise from non-compliance with tax laws. The NCC, on the other hand, is likely working to clarify the tax laws and regulations affecting the sector, which will help to create a more stable and predictable business environment for the telcos.

Overall, the statement is likely a request for cooperation and understanding between the NCC and the telcos, with the goal of resolving the multiple taxation issues and promoting the growth and development of the telecommunications sector in Nigeria.