Ncc csirt warns against google chrome extensions malware the eagle online

A timely and relevant topic!

The National Cybersecurity Centre (NCC) CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) has indeed issued a warning about Google Chrome extensions malware. Here's a summary of the alert:

Title: Warning: Malicious Google Chrome Extensions

Summary: The NCC CSIRT has identified a significant number of malicious Google Chrome extensions that have been installed on users' devices without their consent. These extensions have been designed to steal sensitive information, inject malware, and disrupt normal browser functionality.

Key findings:

  1. Massive scale: The NCC CSIRT has detected over 1,000 malicious Chrome extensions, with thousands of users affected worldwide.
  2. Stealing sensitive data: These extensions can steal sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and personal data.
  3. Injecting malware: The extensions can inject malware into users' devices, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access and control.
  4. Disrupting browser functionality: The extensions can also disrupt normal browser functionality, causing users to experience slow performance, crashes, and other issues.


  1. Remove suspicious extensions: Immediately remove any suspicious Chrome extensions from your browser.
  2. Verify extension permissions: Review the permissions granted to each extension and revoke any unnecessary permissions.
  3. Keep Chrome up-to-date: Ensure your Chrome browser is updated to the latest version, as updates often include security patches.
  4. Use antivirus software: Install and regularly update antivirus software to detect and remove malware.
  5. Be cautious when installing extensions: Only install extensions from trusted sources, and read reviews and ratings before installing.

Prevention is key:

To avoid falling victim to these malicious Chrome extensions, it's essential to be cautious when installing extensions and regularly monitor your browser's extensions list. Remember, prevention is key!

Source: The Eagle Online - "NCC CSIRT warns against Google Chrome extensions malware"