Nbc news opinion

Here are some recent opinion pieces from NBC News:

Opinion Pieces

  1. "The Supreme Court's attack on reproductive rights is a threat to democracy" by Rachel Maddow (June 24, 2022)
    • Maddow argues that the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a blow to democracy and a threat to the fundamental rights of American citizens.
  2. "The Jan. 6 committee's findings are a stark reminder of the danger of Trump's presidency" by Lawrence O'Donnell (June 23, 2022)
    • O'Donnell writes that the Jan. 6 committee's report highlights the gravity of the threats posed by former President Trump's actions and the need for accountability.
  3. "The climate crisis is a national security threat, and we're not taking it seriously enough" by Ali Velshi (June 21, 2022)
    • Velshi argues that the climate crisis poses a significant threat to national security and that the US government must take immediate action to address it.
  4. "The Supreme Court's decision on guns is a betrayal of the Constitution" by Joy Reid (June 20, 2022)
    • Reid writes that the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a New York gun law is a betrayal of the Constitution and a threat to public safety.
  5. "The Biden administration's student loan forgiveness plan is a step in the right direction" by Mehdi Hasan (June 17, 2022)
    • Hasan argues that the Biden administration's plan to forgive some student loan debt is a step towards addressing the crisis of student debt in the US.


  1. Andrea Mitchell: A veteran journalist and NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent, Mitchell writes on foreign policy, national security, and politics.
  2. Lawrence O'Donnell: A former Democratic Senate staffer and MSNBC host, O'Donnell writes on politics, policy, and current events.
  3. Rachel Maddow: A MSNBC host and author, Maddow writes on politics, policy, and current events, often focusing on issues related to the Trump administration.
  4. Ali Velshi: A MSNBC host and correspondent, Velshi writes on politics, policy, and current events, often focusing on issues related to economics and business.
  5. Mehdi Hasan: A MSNBC host and journalist, Hasan writes on politics, policy, and current events, often focusing on issues related to foreign policy and national security.

Please note that these are just a few examples of opinion pieces and columnists from NBC News, and that the opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NBC News or its parent company, Comcast.