Nb plc strategises to assuage alcohol levies on consumers

It seems like you're referring to Nigerian Breweries Plc (NB Plc), a leading brewing company in Nigeria. According to recent reports, the company has been strategizing to mitigate the impact of increased alcohol levies on consumers.

To address this challenge, NB Plc has been exploring various initiatives, including:

  1. Price adjustments: The company has been reviewing its pricing strategy to ensure that its products remain competitive in the market while also taking into account the increased levies.
  2. Product portfolio optimization: NB Plc has been optimizing its product portfolio to focus on high-demand and high-margin products, which will help the company to maintain its profitability despite the increased levies.
  3. Investment in digital platforms: The company has been investing in digital platforms to enhance its distribution channels and reduce costs, which will help to offset the impact of the increased levies.
  4. Partnerships and collaborations: NB Plc has been exploring partnerships and collaborations with other companies to share costs and expertise, which will help to reduce the financial burden of the increased levies.
  5. Sustainability initiatives: The company has been focusing on sustainability initiatives, such as reducing waste and increasing recycling, to reduce its environmental impact and costs.

By implementing these strategies, NB Plc aims to minimize the impact of the increased alcohol levies on its consumers and maintain its market leadership in the Nigerian brewing industry.

Would you like to know more about the specific measures NB Plc is taking to address this challenge?