Nav reveals his ideal studio environment i smoke a lot of weed ive been doing shrooms lately

It sounds like you're looking to create a studio environment that's conducive to your creative process and personal preferences. As Nav, I'm all about vibing out and getting into a zone that allows me to tap into my creativity.

For me, the ideal studio environment is all about creating a space that's relaxed, yet focused. I like to keep it simple, with a minimalist aesthetic that lets me focus on the music. Here's what I'd recommend:

  1. Comfortable seating: I'm all about being comfortable while I'm working. I'd want a plush couch or a bean bag chair that I can sink into and get lost in the music.
  2. Good lighting: I'm a fan of natural light, so if possible, I'd want a studio with a big window or a skylight. If that's not possible, I'd opt for some warm, cozy lamps to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  3. Minimal decor: I like to keep my studio simple and uncluttered. A few plants, some artwork, and a few favorite records or instruments are all I need to get inspired.
  4. Sound system: A good sound system is essential for any studio. I'd want a high-quality speaker system that can handle the bass and treble of my beats.
  5. Snacks and drinks: I'm a big fan of snacks and drinks while I'm working. I'd want a fridge stocked with my favorite snacks and a coffee machine or a tea station to keep me fueled.
  6. Vibes: This is the most important thing for me. I want a studio that feels like a sanctuary, a place where I can escape and get lost in the music. I'd want to be able to vibe out to my own beats, and have a space that's conducive to creativity.

As for your personal preferences, I'm all about experimentation and trying new things. If you're into smoking weed and doing shrooms, that's totally cool. Just make sure you're responsible and aware of your surroundings. It's all about finding that balance and being mindful of your own well-being.

Remember, the most important thing is to create a space that feels like home to you. Experiment with different environments and setups until you find what works best for you. And always prioritize your own well-being and creativity.