Natural news

Natural News is a website that provides news, information, and resources on natural health, wellness, and sustainability. The website was founded in 1997 by Mike Adams, also known as the "Health Ranger," and has since become one of the most popular and influential health websites in the world.

Natural News covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Natural health: The website provides information on natural remedies, supplements, and treatments for various health conditions, as well as news and research on the latest developments in the field of natural health.
  2. Wellness: Natural News covers topics related to wellness, such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mental health.
  3. Sustainability: The website provides information and resources on sustainable living, including eco-friendly products, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture.
  4. Food and nutrition: Natural News covers topics related to food and nutrition, including organic farming, food safety, and nutrition science.
  5. Environmental health: The website provides information and resources on environmental health issues, such as pollution, climate change, and toxic chemicals.

Natural News is known for its critical coverage of mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as its advocacy for natural health and wellness. The website has been praised for its in-depth research and reporting on various health topics, and has been criticized for its sometimes sensationalist and alarmist reporting style.

Some of the key features of Natural News include:

  1. News articles: The website publishes daily news articles on various health and wellness topics.
  2. Research reports: Natural News publishes in-depth research reports on various health topics, including the latest scientific studies and research findings.
  3. Product reviews: The website reviews and recommends various natural health products, including supplements, vitamins, and other health-related products.
  4. Podcasts: Natural News has a podcast channel that features interviews with experts in the field of natural health and wellness.
  5. Online courses: The website offers online courses and training programs on various health and wellness topics, including nutrition, exercise, and stress management.

Overall, Natural News is a popular and influential website that provides a wide range of information and resources on natural health, wellness, and sustainability.