National restructuring prof soyinka supports national debate #comments

Here are some potential comments on a social media post about Professor Wole Soyinka's support for a national debate on national restructuring in Nigeria:

Comment 1 "Finally, a voice of reason! Professor Soyinka is a national treasure and his support for a national debate on restructuring is long overdue. It's time for us to have a honest conversation about the future of our country." - @NigerianPride

Comment 2 "I completely agree with Professor Soyinka. The current structure of our country is unsustainable and we need to have a national debate to find a solution. It's time for us to put aside our differences and work towards a better future for all Nigerians." - @ReformNigeria

Comment 3 "This is a welcome development! Professor Soyinka is a respected voice in our country and his support for a national debate on restructuring will help to bring attention to this important issue. I hope that our leaders will take his call seriously and engage in a meaningful discussion about the future of our country." - @NigeriaFirst

Comment 4 "I'm surprised that it's taken Professor Soyinka this long to speak out on this issue. As a nation, we've been talking about restructuring for years, but we've yet to see any meaningful progress. I hope that his support will help to galvanize the conversation and lead to real change." - @ConcernedCitizen

Comment 5 "This is a great opportunity for us to have a national conversation about the future of our country. I hope that our leaders will take this opportunity seriously and engage in a meaningful discussion about the issues that affect us all. It's time for us to work together to build a better future for Nigeria." - @NigerianUnity

Comment 6 "I'm not sure what Professor Soyinka's proposal for restructuring looks like, but I'm willing to listen and engage in a national debate. It's time for us to put aside our differences and work towards a better future for all Nigerians." - @OpenMind

Comment 7 "This is a great step forward! Professor Soyinka's support for a national debate on restructuring is a reminder that we need to have a national conversation about the future of our country. I hope that our leaders will take his call seriously and engage in a meaningful discussion about the issues that affect us all." - @NigeriaForward