National news for school assembly

Here are some national news stories that you could discuss with your school assembly:

Current Events

  1. COVID-19 Updates: Discuss the latest developments in the pandemic, such as vaccination efforts, mask mandates, and travel restrictions.
  2. Election News: Share updates on the latest elections, including presidential, congressional, and local races.
  3. Climate Change: Discuss recent climate-related events, such as natural disasters, heatwaves, or extreme weather conditions, and the efforts to address climate change.
  4. Social Justice Movements: Highlight recent social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, Me Too, or LGBTQ+ rights, and the impact they're having on society.

Recent News Stories

  1. NASA's Perseverance Rover Lands on Mars: Share the exciting news about NASA's latest rover landing on Mars and the discoveries it's making.
  2. New Species Discovered: Discuss recent discoveries of new species, such as the "Tiktaalik" fish-tetrapod hybrid or the "Olinguito" mammal.
  3. Record-Breaking Feats: Share stories of record-breaking achievements, such as the longest flight, the highest jump, or the fastest marathon time.
  4. Innovative Technologies: Highlight recent advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, or 3D printing.

Positive News

  1. Community Heroes: Share stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, such as volunteering, donating, or helping others in need.
  2. Environmental Successes: Discuss positive environmental news, such as conservation efforts, wildlife recoveries, or sustainable practices.
  3. Inspirational Stories: Share stories of people overcoming challenges, achieving their goals, or making a positive impact on their communities.
  4. Global Connections: Highlight international collaborations, cultural exchanges, or humanitarian efforts that bring people together.

Fun Facts

  1. Astronomy: Share interesting facts about space, such as the latest discoveries, astronomical events, or the wonders of the universe.
  2. Science and Technology: Discuss cool scientific facts, such as the human body, animals, or natural phenomena.
  3. History: Share interesting historical facts, such as anniversaries, milestones, or little-known events.
  4. Geography: Highlight interesting geographic facts, such as natural wonders, cultural differences, or unique landscapes.

Remember to tailor your news stories to your school's age range and interests, and to provide context and explanations to help students understand the news. Good luck with your school assembly!