National geographic news

Here are some recent news articles from National Geographic:


  1. Climate Change: The World's Most Vulnerable Places (March 2023) - A new report highlights the regions most at risk from climate change, including the Maldives, Tuvalu, and the Marshall Islands.
  2. Wildfires Rage Across Australia, Threatening Endangered Species (February 2023) - Devastating bushfires have burned across Australia, putting many unique and endangered species at risk of extinction.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef's Coral Bleaching Crisis (January 2023) - The world's largest coral reef system is facing its worst bleaching event on record, with severe consequences for marine life.


  1. NASA's Perseverance Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Lake on Mars (February 2023) - The rover has found sedimentary rocks that suggest a lake once existed on Mars, which could have supported life.
  2. New Species of Ancient Human Discovered in the Philippines (January 2023) - Scientists have identified a previously unknown species of human that lived in the Philippines around 50,000 years ago.
  3. The Mystery of the Universe's Missing Antimatter (March 2023) - Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding why the universe is dominated by matter, rather than antimatter.


  1. Endangered Species: The World's Most Vulnerable Animals (February 2023) - A new report highlights the animals most at risk of extinction, including the Sumatran rhino, Amur leopard, and vaquita.
  2. The Last Wild Sumatran Rhino Has Died (January 2023) - The death of the last wild Sumatran rhino in Indonesia marks a devastating blow to conservation efforts.
  3. The Great Migration: The World's Most Epic Animal Journeys (March 2023) - National Geographic explores the incredible migrations of animals around the world, including wildebeest, caribou, and monarch butterflies.

Human Rights

  1. The Plight of the Yazidi People (February 2023) - The Yazidi minority in Iraq has faced brutal persecution and genocide at the hands of ISIS, with many still displaced and struggling to survive.
  2. The Crisis in Ukraine: A Humanitarian Disaster (March 2023) - The conflict in Ukraine has led to a humanitarian crisis, with millions displaced and in need of aid.
  3. The Fight Against Human Trafficking (January 2023) - National Geographic highlights the efforts of organizations and individuals working to combat human trafficking and support its victims.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and stories published by National Geographic. The organization is known for its in-depth reporting and stunning photography, and its coverage spans a wide range of topics, from science and environment to culture and human rights.