National conference report afenifere seeks implementation urges osinbajo

Here is a possible report on the national conference report by Afenifere and their call for implementation, with a mention of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo:

Afenifere Seeks Implementation of National Conference Report, Urges Osinbajo

The Pan-Yoruba socio-political organization, Afenifere, has called on the Federal Government to implement the report of the 2014 National Conference, which was submitted to the President Goodluck Jonathan administration.

The group made the call in a statement issued on Tuesday, signed by its National Secretary, Mr. Adekunle Akinola. According to the statement, Afenifere believes that the implementation of the conference report would be a major step towards addressing the country's numerous challenges and promoting national unity.

The statement read in part: "We urge the Federal Government, particularly the Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, who is the Chairman of the National Economic Council, to take concrete steps towards the implementation of the report of the 2014 National Conference. We believe that the report contains many recommendations that can help to address the country's numerous challenges and promote national unity."

Afenifere also commended the Federal Government for its efforts to revitalize the economy and tackle insecurity, but noted that more needed to be done to address the root causes of these challenges.

The group also called on the Federal Government to take steps to address the issue of restructuring, which it believes is essential for the country's progress and development.

"We urge the Federal Government to take concrete steps towards restructuring the country, which is essential for our progress and development. We believe that a restructured Nigeria would be more just, equitable and prosperous for all Nigerians," the statement added.

The 2014 National Conference was convened by the Jonathan administration to discuss and find solutions to the country's numerous challenges. The conference was attended by delegates from all over the country, who made recommendations on various issues, including the structure of the government, the economy, and the country's security challenges.

Since the conference, there have been calls for the implementation of its report, but the Federal Government has yet to take concrete steps towards implementing the recommendations.