National assembly begins public hearing on 2018 budget today #

The National Assembly of Nigeria has scheduled a public hearing on the 2018 budget today. This is a significant step in the budget-making process, as it provides an opportunity for citizens to contribute to the development of the country's budget.

The public hearing is expected to be attended by various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, private sector representatives, and members of the public. The hearing will provide a platform for these stakeholders to present their views and recommendations on the 2018 budget.

The 2018 budget is a critical document that outlines the government's plans and priorities for the year. It is expected to address key issues such as infrastructure development, economic growth, and social welfare.

The public hearing is a crucial step in the budget-making process, as it ensures that the budget is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people. It also provides an opportunity for citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable for their actions.

The National Assembly has a responsibility to ensure that the budget is passed in a timely and transparent manner. The public hearing is an important step in this process, and it is expected to be a productive and informative event.

It is hoped that the public hearing will lead to a budget that is in the best interest of the people of Nigeria.