Nass says 2016 budget passage not possible february

It seems like you're referring to a news article or statement made by Nass, which is a Nigerian news organization. According to the article, Nass is saying that the passage of the 2016 budget in February is not possible.

For those who may not be aware, the 2016 budget in Nigeria was a proposed budget presented by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government to the National Assembly (NASS) for approval. The budget was initially expected to be passed in February 2016, but it seems like Nass is now saying that this timeline is no longer feasible.

The reasons for this delay are not specified in the article, but it's possible that there were disagreements between the executive and legislative arms of government over the budget, or that there were other factors that contributed to the delay.

It's worth noting that the passage of the budget is an important step in the budgeting process, as it allows the government to allocate funds to various sectors and projects. A delay in the passage of the budget can have significant implications for the economy and the implementation of government programs.

I hope this summary is helpful!