Nass considers alternative sources of funding for military

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has indeed considered alternative sources of funding for the military. In 2019, the NAS published a report titled "Alternative Sources of Funding for the Military" which explored various options to reduce the military's reliance on the federal budget.

The report identified several alternative sources of funding, including:

  1. Private investment: The report suggested that private investors could provide funding for military projects and programs, potentially reducing the burden on the federal budget.
  2. Public-private partnerships: The NAS recommended exploring public-private partnerships (PPPs) to finance military projects, such as infrastructure development or research and development initiatives.
  3. Crowdfunding: The report explored the potential for crowdfunding platforms to raise funds for military-related projects and initiatives.
  4. Corporate sponsorships: The NAS suggested that corporations could provide funding for military-related research and development initiatives, potentially generating revenue for the military.
  5. International cooperation: The report highlighted the potential for international cooperation and partnerships to share the financial burden of military funding.
  6. Taxation: The NAS recommended exploring alternative taxation mechanisms, such as a military-specific tax, to generate additional revenue for the military.
  7. In-kind donations: The report suggested that organizations and individuals could provide in-kind donations, such as equipment, supplies, or services, to support military operations.

The report emphasized that any alternative funding sources would need to be carefully evaluated to ensure they do not compromise the military's effectiveness or integrity. The NAS also noted that any changes to the military's funding structure would require careful consideration of the potential impacts on the military's personnel, operations, and overall mission.

It's worth noting that while the report explored alternative funding sources, it did not recommend abandoning the federal budget as the primary source of funding for the military. Instead, it aimed to provide a range of options for policymakers to consider as they work to address the military's funding challenges.