Nasarawa new

Nasarawa State! Here are some recent updates and news from Nasarawa State:


  1. Nasarawa State Government approves N1.5 billion for road construction: The Nasarawa State Government has approved N1.5 billion for the construction of roads in the state. The project is expected to cover several kilometers of roads in the state capital, Lafia, and other major towns. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Nasarawa State University gets new Vice-Chancellor: Professor Suleiman Bala has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of Nasarawa State University. Professor Bala takes over from Professor Muhammad Mainoma, who has completed his tenure. (Source: Vanguard)
  3. Nasarawa State Government launches agricultural project: The Nasarawa State Government has launched an agricultural project aimed at increasing food production and improving the livelihoods of farmers in the state. The project, which is worth N500 million, will focus on rice, maize, and soybean production. (Source: Leadership)


  1. Nasarawa State Independence Day Celebration: Nasarawa State celebrated its 25th independence anniversary on October 1, 2022, with a grand ceremony at the Lafia Township Stadium. The event was attended by the state Governor, Abdullahi Sule, and other dignitaries. (Source: Daily Post)
  2. Nasarawa State Football Association Cup: The Nasarawa State Football Association Cup tournament took place in Lafia, with Lafia FC emerging as the winner. The tournament was sponsored by the state government and featured teams from across the state. (Source: Punch)


  1. Nasarawa State Government approves N500 million for water project: The Nasarawa State Government has approved N500 million for the construction of a water project in the state. The project is expected to provide clean water to residents of Lafia and other major towns in the state. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Nasarawa State Government launches entrepreneurship program: The Nasarawa State Government has launched an entrepreneurship program aimed at promoting small-scale businesses in the state. The program, which is worth N200 million, will provide training and funding to entrepreneurs in the state. (Source: Vanguard)

These are just a few of the recent updates and news from Nasarawa State. If you're looking for more information, feel free to ask!