Nasa latest news about moon

Here are some of the latest news and updates from NASA about the Moon:

Recent Missions and Discoveries

  1. Artemis Program: NASA is currently working on the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024. The program includes several missions, including the uncrewed Artemis I mission, which will test the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the Orion spacecraft.
  2. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): NASA's LRO has been orbiting the Moon since 2009 and has provided a wealth of information about the Moon's surface. In 2020, the LRO discovered a new type of lunar crater that is unlike any others on the Moon.
  3. Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS): In 2009, NASA's LCROSS mission discovered water ice in the permanently shadowed craters near the Moon's poles. This discovery has significant implications for future lunar missions and potential human settlements.

Upcoming Missions

  1. Artemis II: Scheduled to launch in 2022, Artemis II will be the first mission to send humans to the Moon since the Apollo program. The mission will include a lunar flyby and will test the Orion spacecraft and the SLS rocket.
  2. Artemis III: Scheduled to launch in 2024, Artemis III will be the first mission to land humans on the Moon since the Apollo program. The mission will include a lunar landing and will test the lunar lander and the SLS rocket.
  3. Commercial Lunar Lander Services (CLPS): NASA has selected several private companies to develop commercial lunar landers that will carry payloads to the Moon's surface. The first CLPS mission is scheduled to launch in 2022.

Moon Exploration and Settlement

  1. NASA's Plan for a Sustainable Presence on the Moon: NASA has outlined a plan to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon, including the development of a lunar base and the use of the Moon as a stepping stone for further human exploration of the solar system.
  2. Private Companies' Plans for the Moon: Several private companies, including SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Moon Express, are planning to send missions to the Moon in the near future. These missions will include lunar landers, rovers, and even lunar bases.

Moon Science and Research

  1. NASA's Lunar Science Institute: NASA's Lunar Science Institute is a research program that focuses on understanding the Moon's geology, composition, and evolution. The institute is currently studying the Moon's surface and subsurface using data from NASA's LRO and other spacecraft.
  2. Lunar Geology and Geophysics: NASA scientists are studying the Moon's geology and geophysics to better understand the Moon's formation and evolution. This research has significant implications for our understanding of the solar system and the potential for life beyond Earth.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from NASA about the Moon. For more information, you can visit NASA's website or follow NASA's social media accounts.