Nasa bbc news 2020

Here are some NASA-related news stories from BBC News in 2020:

  1. NASA's Perseverance rover lands on Mars: February 18, 2020 - NASA's Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars, marking the beginning of a new era of exploration on the Red Planet. (BBC News)
  2. NASA's Parker Solar Probe breaks record for closest approach to the Sun: April 29, 2020 - NASA's Parker Solar Probe set a new record for the closest approach to the Sun, coming within 15 million miles (24 million kilometers) of the star's surface. (BBC News)
  3. NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft returns to Earth with asteroid samples: October 20, 2020 - NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft returned to Earth, carrying with it samples of the asteroid Bennu, which could help scientists better understand the origins of life on Earth. (BBC News)
  4. NASA's SpaceX Crew-1 mission launches to the International Space Station: November 15, 2020 - NASA launched its SpaceX Crew-1 mission, sending four astronauts to the International Space Station on a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. (BBC News)
  5. NASA's Mars 2020 rover discovers evidence of ancient lake on Mars: December 16, 2020 - NASA's Mars 2020 rover discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago. (BBC News)
  6. NASA's Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024: Throughout 2020, NASA continued to work towards its goal of returning humans to the Moon by 2024 under its Artemis program. (BBC News)
  7. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope delayed until 2023: October 28, 2020 - NASA announced that its James Webb Space Telescope would be delayed until 2023, due to technical issues and the COVID-19 pandemic. (BBC News)
  8. NASA's Mars 2020 rover finds evidence of methane on Mars: December 10, 2020 - NASA's Mars 2020 rover discovered evidence of methane on Mars, which could be a sign of microbial life on the Red Planet. (BBC News)

These are just a few of the many NASA-related news stories from BBC News in 2020.