Nape news

Nape News!

Nape (Naples Area Preservation and Education) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the history and culture of the Naples area in Florida. Here are some recent news and updates from Nape:

Recent Events:

  1. Historic Home Tour: Nape hosted its annual Historic Home Tour, showcasing six historic homes in the Naples area. The event raised funds for Nape's preservation efforts and educational programs.
  2. Lecture Series: Nape's lecture series featured renowned historians and experts discussing topics such as the history of Naples' early settlers, the impact of the railroad on the area, and the significance of the Everglades.
  3. Preservation Awards: Nape presented its annual Preservation Awards to recognize outstanding contributions to the preservation of Naples' historic architecture and cultural heritage.

Current Projects:

  1. Historic District Designation: Nape is working to designate the Naples Historic District, which would provide protections for the area's historic buildings and promote responsible development.
  2. Museum Expansion: Nape is planning an expansion of its museum to include new exhibits and educational programs, showcasing the rich history and culture of the Naples area.
  3. Historic Marker Program: Nape is establishing a historic marker program to recognize and commemorate significant historic sites and events in the Naples area.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Annual Gala: Nape's annual gala will take place in March, featuring a silent auction, live music, and a keynote speaker.
  2. Historic Walking Tour: Nape will offer a guided historic walking tour of downtown Naples, highlighting the area's historic architecture and cultural significance.
  3. Lecture Series: Nape's lecture series will continue in the spring, featuring topics such as the history of Naples' early settlers and the impact of the railroad on the area.

Stay tuned for more updates from Nape News!