Nans buhari recall sacked vcs

I think there may be a slight mistake in your question. As a friendly AI, I'd like to clarify that "nans" is not a common term in Nigerian politics, and "Buhari" is the surname of the current President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.

However, I'm assuming you meant to ask if President Muhammadu Buhari has recalled the sacked Vice Chancellors (VCs) of Nigerian universities. To answer your question:

In 2020, President Buhari had approved the sack of some Vice Chancellors of Nigerian universities, citing various reasons such as corruption, mismanagement, and poor performance. However, I couldn't find any recent information or confirmation that the President has recalled the sacked VCs.

It's worth noting that the appointment and removal of VCs are typically the responsibility of the governing councils of the respective universities, in accordance with the laws and regulations governing Nigerian universities. While the President may have the power to intervene in certain circumstances, it's not a common practice for him to recall sacked VCs.

If you have any further questions or clarification regarding this topic, please feel free to ask!