Naked news

Naked News is a Canadian television program that features a team of anchors and correspondents who deliver news and current events while wearing minimal or no clothing. The show was created in 1999 and has been broadcast in various forms since then.

The program is known for its irreverent and humorous approach to news reporting, often incorporating satire and parody into its segments. The anchors and correspondents are typically dressed in lingerie, bikinis, or other revealing outfits, which has led to controversy and criticism from some viewers.

Despite the controversy, Naked News has developed a loyal fan base and has been praised for its unique approach to news reporting. The show has also been recognized for its contributions to the adult entertainment industry and has won several awards for its production quality and creativity.

It's worth noting that Naked News is not a traditional news program and is intended for adult audiences only. The show is not meant to be taken seriously and is intended to be humorous and entertaining.