Naira falls n402dollar

I think there may be a small mistake there!

The Nigerian Naira (NGN) is the official currency of Nigeria, and it is not possible for the Naira to "fall" to $402 per dollar. The exchange rate between the Naira and the US Dollar (USD) is typically quoted as the number of Naira per US Dollar, not the other way around.

As of the current exchange rate (1 USD = approximately 360-370 NGN), the Naira is actually stronger than the dollar, not weaker.

If you meant to say that the Naira has fallen in value against the dollar, that would mean that the exchange rate has changed, and the Naira is now worth fewer Naira per dollar than it was previously. This could be due to various economic factors, such as changes in supply and demand, interest rates, or government policies.

Please clarify if that's what you meant, and I'll do my best to help you understand the situation!